The Grab Bag of Woodworking Information


Having only been a hobbyist woodworker since 1992, the number of tips/concepts I've been able to discover are not as numerous as other woodworkers of longer tenure. But I can remember when I first was getting started, I often said, "Gee, I wish there was someone I could ask how to do this". Looking back on it now, I realize it may have been something really rudimentary. But still, the answer was not available to me easily, and I had to learn the hard, perhaps expensive, and maybe even dangerous way. I've got the bruises to prove it!

That's what this section is about: providing some answers to questions which at this time may have been only just thought of, by a new woodworker who is just starting. I don't mean to say that I'm "the" expert, but if something that I've learned can help you, why not share it with others by offering some friendly advice.

If you have a question on something not covered here (which is quite a distinct possibilty), please E-mail me and I'll do my best to get you an answer if I don't know the answer (also a distinct possibility).

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